Western NL General Membership Meeting

September 25, 2024 (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (NDT)


NLCA is pleased to host a General Membership Meeting in Corner Brook on Wednesday, September 25 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. at Greenwood Inn & Suites, 48 West Street, Corner Brook! Mark your calendars! 

Members, we invite you to register for this luncheon meeting and join NLCA, along with our Board Chair, Derek Brown for greetings and informative session(s). If you and/or a representative from your firm would like to attend, you MUST register for the event. This event is open to NLCA members only and there is no cost to attend.

Western NL General Membership Meeting Itinerary:

Welcome and Greetings from NLCA Board Chair, Derek Brown.

Greetings and highlights about their Town’s upcoming projects from Tom Rose, Mayor of Stephenville and Jim Parsons, Mayor of Corner Brook.

Guest Speakers:

Rory McNeill and Terry Rice, Nunatsiavut Government 
Topic: Construction Outlook on upcoming projects and how to do business with the Nunatsiavut Government.
Join us to explore upcoming construction projects and learn for you can collaborate with the Nunatsiavut Government. Don't miss this opportunity to connect, innovate, and grow your business.

Steve Delaney, CWP Global
Topic: Project Gwinya: A World of Opportunity for Industry
Green Iron ‐ Corner Brook: CWP Global's Project Gwinya is proposing to develop a Green Hydrogen Hub based at Corner Brook. The corner-stone project would be a DRI/HBI plant for processing iron ore into green iron. The plant is sized to export 2.5 million tons of green iron per year to international markets.

Green Methanol ‐ Corner Brook: The development is also proposing a plant for the production of green methanol. This plant would use carbon dioxide captured from the Kruger paper mill and green hydrogen to produce a valuable green fuel and chemical. The plant would be capable of producing 100,000 tons per year for local use or export.

Wind Farm ‐ Gaff Topsails: The green hydrogen to be used in Corner Brook is proposed to be produced by a 3+ GW wind farm located in the Gaff Topsails powering electrolysers located beside Grand Lake. The hydrogen would be brought to Corner Brook via a pipeline. The number and placement of turbines is to be studied.

Join Steve Delaney with CWP Global as he discusses project Gwinya and the opportunities for members and industry.


This event is open to members of NLCA only at no cost.

Greenwood Inn & Suites
48 West Street
Corner Brook, NL Canada
Event Contact
Adelle Byrne
(709) 753-8920
Send Email
September 25, 2024 (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (NDT)
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
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